Special issue in
the ‘Neural networks’ journal
A special issue of the “Neural Networks” (Elsevier) journal
will be published on the “Advances in Self-Organizing Maps” theme,
after the WSOM’05 conference.
A few WSOM’05 authors have been invited to submit an extended
version of their conference contribution to this issue. In addition, the submission is open to
anybody (WSOM authors and participants AND other researchers in the field).
The special issue will cover a wide range of topics within the SOM and
related techniques, including the following: self-organization, unsupervised
learning (including PCA/NLPCA, ICA/NLICA, Principal
Curves/Surfaces), theory and extensions, optimization, hardware
and architecture, signal processing, image processing and vision,
time-series analysis, text and document analysis, financial
analysis, data visualization and mining, bioinformatics, robotics.
All papers, including those that are extended versions of the conference
contribution, will be reviewed according to the standard of the “Neural
networks” journal. This means that
contributions that were evaluated positively for the conference could still
necessitate further work, simulation, comparisons with the state-of-the-art,
etc. in order to reach the standard of the journal. Of course, papers that are extended versions
of a WSOM’05 paper should in any case take into account the comments expressed
by the reviewers on the conference contribution.
A short guide for authors is available at http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/841/description#description. In addition to these instructions, the
submissions to the special issue should be limited to 12 journal pages, i.e.
approximately 20 single-space one-column pages including figures and tables.
Papers to be submitted to this special issue should NOT be sent through
the regular submission procedure. Instead,
they should be sent in electronic version (PostScript or PDF file) to Marie
Cottrell, cottrell@univ-paris1.fr.
Deadline for submission:
15 November 2005.