Biosex » Bibliographie » Livres
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  • Zach, Kim K. 2004. Reproductive Technology. San Diego, Calif: Thomson/Gale.
  • Zack, Naomi, Laurie Shrage, et Crispin Sartwell. 1998. Race, Class, Gender, and Sexuality: The Big Questions. Malden, Mass: Blackwell Publishers.
  • Zack, Naomi. 1993. Race and Mixed Race. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
  • Zack, Naomi. 1995. American Mixed Race: The Culture of Microdiversity. Lanham, Md: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
  • Zack, Naomi. 1996. Bachelors of Science: Seventeenth-Century Identity, Then and Now. Philadelphia, PA: Temple University Press.
  • Zack, Naomi. 1997. Race/Sex: Their Sameness, Difference, and Interplay. New York: Routledge.
  • Zack, Naomi. 2000. Women of Color and Philosophy: A Critical Reader. Malden, Mass: Blackwell Publishers.
  • Zack, Naomi. 2002. Philosophy of Science and Race. New York: Routledge.
  • Zack, Naomi. 2006. Thinking About Race. 2 éd. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth.
  • Zalk, Sue Rosenberg, et Janice Gordon-Kelter. 1992. Revolutions in knowledge : feminism in the social sciences. Boulder, Colo: Westview.
  • Zann, RA . 1996. The zebra finch: a synthesis of field and laboratory studies.Oxford University Press, Oxford
  • Zara, Marcel. 1953. Les Troubles fonctionnels du cycle génital. Paris: Heures de France.
  • Zazzo R. Les Jumeaux, le couple et la personne, 2. Paris: PUF; 1960.
  • Zderic, Stephen A., Canning, D. A., Carr, M. C., and Snyder, H. M. (Eds.). 2002. Pediatric gender assignment : a critical reappraisal : . Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
  • Zenner, Philip. 1926. Sex Education; Education in Sexual Physiology and Hygiene, a Physician's Message. Rev. ed. New York: D. Appleton and company.
  • Zénope, Beurekdjian. 1923. Comment choisir sa femme ou son mari : Signes simples et scientifiques pour reconnaitre le caractère et le tempérament sexuel des deux sexes ... Constantinople: la Grande Librairie Mondiale.
  • Ziegler, R., J. Pfeilschifter, et M. Brautigam (ed). 1994. Sex Steroids and Bone. Berlin: Springer-Verlag.
  • Zilbergeld, Bernie. 1992. The New Male Sexuality. New York: Bantam Books.
  • Zillmann, Dolf, et Dolf Zillmann. 1998. Connections Between Sexuality and Aggression. 2 éd. Mahwah, N.J: L. Erlbaum.
  • Zimmer, Carl. 2001. Evolution: The Triumph of an Idea. 1er éd. New York: HarperCollins.
  • Zimring, Franklin E. 2004. An American Travesty: Legal Responses to Adolescent Sexual Offending. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
  • Zinsser, Judith P. 2005. Men, women, and the birthing of modern science :  . DeKalb (Ill.): Northern Illinois university press.
  • Zizek, Slavoj. 2001. Enjoy Your Symptom! Jacques Lacan in Hollywood and Out. London: Routledge. Adds basic Lacanian ideas to your armoury.
  • Zoltano, Rosalie Fine. 1984. Human Sex Behavior: A Medical Subject Analysis and Research Index with Bibliography. 1er éd. Washington, D.C: Abbe Publishers Association.
  • Zoltano, Rosalie Fine. 1987. Sex Research and Medicine I: Subject Analysis Index with Research Bibliography. 1er éd. Washington, D.C: ABBE Publishers Association.
  • Zucker, KJ, Bradley SJ. 1995. Gender identity disorder and psychosexual problems in children and adolescents. New York: Guilford.
  • Zuckerman, Solly. 1937. La vie sexuelle et sociale des singes . Paris: Gallimard.
  • Zuk, Marlene. 2007. Riddled with Life: Friendly Worms, Ladybug Sex, and the Parasites That Make Us Who We Are. 1er éd. Orlando: Harcourt.
  • Zuk, Marlene. 2003. Sexual selections  : what we can and can't learn about sex from animals. Berkeley, Calif. ; London: University of California Press.
  • Zwang, Gérard. 1972. La Fonction érotique. 1, Les Chemins de l'épanouissement sexuel . R. Laffont.
  • Zwang, Gérard. 1972. La Fonction érotique. 2, Les Entraves à l'épanouissement . R. Laffont.
  • Zwang, Gérard. 1976. Abrégé De Sexologie. Paris: Masson.
  • Zwang, Gérard. 1976. Précis De Thérapeutique Sexologique: Traitement Des Dysfonctionnements Érotiques Du Couple. 2 éd. Paris: Maloine.
  • Zwang, Gérard. 1986. L'amour Encore: L'harmonie Sexuelle Continue. Paris: Plon.
  • Zwang, Gérard. 1987. Le sexe de la femme . [Paris]: Ed. Suger.
  • Zwang, Gérard. 1990. Sexologie . Masson.
  • Zwang, Gérard. 1994. Histoire des peines de sexe : les malheurs érotiques, leurs causes et leurs remèdes à travers les âges. Maloine.
  • Zwang, Gérard. 2002. Aux origines de la sexualité humaine . Presses universitaires de France.