Paul Doukhan

Professor, University Cergy Pontoise

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Postal Address :

UFR Sciences-Techniques,


2, avenue Adolphe-Chauvin,

B.P. 222 Pontoise,

95302 Cergy-Pontoise cedex

Recent Publications

Research area

Curriculum vitæ


Teaching, research and administration of research

Research area

My work is centred on dependence of stochastic processes. The asymptotic properties of weak or strong dependence are central in my research work. I am very involved in the problem of modeling times series with specific properties.
I introduced several nonlinear models exhibiting distributional long range dependence and the monograph [2] is a main reference for long range dependence.
For the weakly dependent case, my monograph [1] is among the most cited reference for mixing and a (...)

Curriculum vitæ

1975-1979 Fellow at E.N.S. Saint-Cloud. 1976-1977 D.E.A. Statistics University Paris-Sud Orsay. 1977-1978 French competition for highshool professors in Mathematics, [option Probability, 11th/1000 competitors]. 1979-1980 Fellowship D.G.R.S.T. 1980 PhD : Processus autorégressifs non linéaires,
advisor : J. Bretagnolle, University Paris-Sud, Orsay. 1980-1981 Internship for professors in highshools [Academy of Versailles].
]. 1981-1982 Assistant Professor Rouen University 1982-1983 Researcher (...)

Teaching, research and administration of research

1980-1981 Internship in highschools, Versailles.
1980-1986 Preparation to the competition for highschool professors : Analysis, ENS Saint-Cloud.
1981-1982 Assistant professor at Rouen University : Classes in DEUG A.
1988-1989 Direction of the program of applied mathematics : Wuhan, China.
1990-1992 PhD course M.A.S.E. University Paris 9 : Stochastic Calculus.
1992-1993 PhD course, Bordeaux 1 University Functional Estimation.
1993 (...)


Recent Publications
[Publications in refereed journals
Colloquia, congresses and chapters in a book
Notes at Comptes Rendus Acad. Sc. Paris
In preparation
[1] Mixing : properties and examples ; Lecture Notes in Statistics 85, Springer-Verlag, 1994.
[2] Theory and Applications of Long-range Dependence, Paul Doukhan, Georges Oppenheim and Murad S. Taqqu editors (718 pages) Birkhaüser, Boston (2003).
[3] Course of Mathematical Analysis with Jean (...)