Aim of the Conference
The conference is devoted to aspects of modeling, computational handling, and applications of the topics listed below. Original contributions and interesting applications are welcome. Particular attention will be given to papers fostering research at the interfaces. We invite researchers to organize stream sessions not only dedicated to a certain topic but to different approaches to the same problem as well.
Organized by :
Universidad de La Habana
Université Paris 1, Panthéon-Sorbonne
Cosponsors :
Asociación Latinoamericana de Investigación Operativa.
Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany.
Sociedad Cubana de Matemática y Computación (SC Investigación Operacional).
Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, México.
Universidad Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, Spain.
Université Paris Dauphine, France.
Agence Nationale de la Recherche, France.
General Information
Prof. Dr. Sira Allende Alonso | Prof Dr. Marie Cottrell |
Fac. Matemática y Computación | SAMM |
Universidad de La Habana ; Cuba | Université Paris 1, Pantheón-Sorbonne ; France |
e-mail : sira@matcom.uh.cu | email : marie.cottrell@univ-paris1.fr |
Program Committee
S. Allende [Havana], L. Alvarez [Havana], A. Arcos [Granada], C. Bouza [Havana], R. Caballero [Málaga], J.A. Canizo [Barcelona], J.A. Carrillo [Barcelona], B. Cornet [Paris 1-Kansas], F. Cucker [Hong Kong], M. Cottrell [Chair, Paris 1], J. Cochran [Lousiana] J. Daduna [Berlin], F. Ferreira [Porto], M. Florenzano [Paris 1], P. Gaubert [Paris 12], P. Gourdel [Paris 1], Cecile Hardouin, [Paris Ouest Nanterre] A. Iussem [Rio de Janeiro], G. Joya [Malaga], A.M. Lara [Granada], B. Lopez [Las Palmas], S. Mischler [Paris Dauphine], M. Negreiros [Forteza], M. Olteanu [Paris 1], L. Pla [Lleida], , J. Rückman [Birmingham], Ch.Tammer [Halle], G. Toussaint [Montreal], A. Weintraub [Santiago de Chile], A. Xavier [Rio de Janeiro], J.L. Verdegay [Granada], B.-A. Wickström, [Berlin].
Organizing Committee
Sira Allende [Chair, Havana], M.L. Baguer [Havana], G. Bouza [Havana], M. Cortés [Cienfuegos], M. Cottrell [Paris 1], D. Covarrubias [Chilpancingo], M. Díaz [Havana], R. Espin [Havana], A. Fernández [Havana], A. Gascon [Havana], J.Guddat [Honor Chair, Berlin], C. Hardouin [Paris Ouest Nanterre], C. Herrera [Las Palmas], J. C. Juvier [Las Palmas], M. A. León [Pinar del Río], L. Muñiz [Havana], A. Marrero [Havana], A. Muñoz [Quindio], M. Nicado [Santa Clara], M. Olteanu [Paris 1], J. Otero [Havana], L. Pedreira [La Coruña], A. Ruiz [Havana], M. Rodriguez[Havana], L. Sandoval [Puebla], V. Sistachs [Havana], B.-A. Wickström [Berlin]
Optimization : Linear, Nonlinear, Discrete, Parametric, Stochastic Optimization.
Probability and Statistics : Statistical Inference, Sampling, Biostatistics,
Multivariate Analysis, Neural Techniques for Data Mining, Probability and Stochastic Processes, Reliability.
Partial Differential Equations : Homogenization, Fluid Mechanics and Coastal Dynamics, Mean Field Games, Coalitional Equations, Control and Inverse Problems, Applications to Biology and Medicine
Mathematical Economics : Financial Modeling, Games Theory, Mathematical Models for Economic Problems, Microeconomic Theory.
Numerical Analysis and Algorithms : Geometric Computation, Graph Theory, Meta-Heuristics, Neural Networks, Numerical Linear Algebra, Numerical Solution of Differential and Differential-Algebraic Equations.
Multicriteria Decision Making : Decision Support Systems Multi-Objective Optimization
Dynamical Models : Dynamical Systems, Optimal Control, Stability.
Management Sciences : Banking and Financing, Logistics (Routing, Scheduling, Inventory), Marketing.
Operations Research Education : Teaching Effectiveness, TICS, Postgraduate Education on OR.
Confirmed keynote speakers
Jean-Noël BACRO (Université Montpellier 2, France)
Anne EYRAUD-LOISEL (Université Lyon 1, France)
Boris MORDUKHOVICH (Wayne State University, USA)
Justo PUERTO (Universidad de Sevilla, Spain)
Jan RUECKMANN (University of Birmingham, United Kingdom)
Confirmed special sessions
Time series analysis and model selection (organized by Joseph Rynkiewicz, Université Paris 1, France)
Applied mathematics and actuarial science (organized by Stéphane Loisel, Université Lyon 1, France)
Probability (organized by A. Guillin, Université B. Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand, France)
Biomathematics (organized by M. Doumic, INRIA Rocquencourt, France)
PDE (organized by M.J. Caceres, J.A. Cañizo, Universidad de Granada, España)
Practical Information
For the participants leaving from France, the Cubana company is proposing a special price (about 750 euros). For more information, please contact Jean-Marc Romain.
The conference will take place in Hotel Riviera situated in the Vedado (Habana).
Discounted room rates are available for the participants to the conference. For more information, please check the website of Excelencia Travels.
Submission of Abstracts and papers
The researchers interested in presenting their results in the conference must submit an abstract in English. See instructions for abstracts
- Deadline for abstracts : December 20th, 2011
- Extended deadline for abstracts : January 23rd, 2012
- Information about acceptance : February 1st, 2012
The abstracts must be sent by email to Sira Allende or Marie Cottrell
After the conference, the authors of the presented papers will be invited to submit an extended version to the journal Investigación Operacional (with a peer reviewing process).
- Registration Form : Please, fill out this form.
- Fees include the Welcome Party, Conference Dinner and a Volume of Abstracts :
150 CUC Foreign participants | 90 CUC Foreign Students |
150 CUP Cubans participants | 90 CUP Cuban Students |
The fees have to be paid in cash upon arrival to the conference. SMAI and SFDS members will receive a 10 CUC discount.
The PDE and probability group maintains a website devoted to the conference and containing plenty of practical information.
Preliminary Overview of the Conference
Tuesday 6 | 09:00-10:30 | Registration |
10:30-11:30 | Opening Session | |
11:30-12:00 | Coffee Break | |
12:00-13:00 | Opening Lecture | |
13:00-14:30 | Lunch | |
15:00-17:00 | Main Lectures and Contributions. | |
19:00-23:00 | Welcome Party | |
Wednesday 7 | 09:00-10:00 | Invited Lecture |
10:30-12:00 | Contributions | |
12:00-13:00 | Lunch | |
13:00-14:30 | Contributions | |
15:00-16:30 | Contributions | |
Thursday 8 | 09:00-10:00 | Invited Lecture |
10:30-12:00 | Contributions | |
12:00-13:00 | Lunch | |
13:00-14:30 | Contributions | |
15:00-16:30 | Contributions | |
19:30 | Conference Dinner | |
Friday 9 | 09:00-10:00 | Invited Lecture |
10:30-12:00 | Contributions | |
12:00-13:00 | Lunch | |
13:00-14:30 | Contributions | |
15:00-16:30 | Closing Address |