Application Process

Application Process


1. When should I apply?


For application deadlines please refer to the webpage Opens internal link in current windowApplication.



2. In which language should I fill in the form and prepare all the documents?


All information must be in English.



3. Is there a paper version of the application form?


Applications to the programme are made exclusively online. There is no alternative application procedure.



4. I have already applied to the EMJMD QEM program in the previous academic year, can I apply for the next academic year with the same login?


Yes. If you have already applied for the programme(s) in the previous academic year, you can still use your login and password and this will allow you to keep and/or update the documents uploaded previously.



5. I forget my login and password, what should I do?


If you can't recall your login or password, you can e-mail the QEM administration at



6. Is it possible to change/update a document uploaded through the online application process?


At any time, you can update the documents uploaded previously:

(i) Before steps [1] - [5] have been validated: by simply uploading new documents in place of the former document and saving. The former document will be replaced by the new one.


(ii) After steps [1] - [5] have been validated: by simply uploading new documents to the field "Additional Documents" on the bottom of your personal page. If the new document is uploaded with the exact same title as the document you wish to change/update, then the former document will be replaced by the new one.


(iii) After you have made your course choice: by following the same method as in (ii) above. Please note that after you have made your course choice, your application is likely to be evaluated at any time and uploading documents will have no effect on your evaluation result if your file has already been evaluated.



7. I appear as Mr (Ms) on my personal page, although I am a female (male) applicant, how can this be changed?


Information such as gender and names cannot be changed. The only way change this is to start a new application (i.e. re-register and create a new application file). In this case, e-mail the QEM administration at stating your new and old ID number so that we can delete your previous application.